From the Shadows COmic BOoks

Comic Book Memories

There was a time when reading comic books was a regular thing in my family, especially when my oldest children were young. My living room looked like a comic book store. Comic posters adorned the walls. Bagging and boarding was a weekly task. Long boxes where plentiful and well stocked on the main table.

Comic Shop Home

Many nights we would each grab some comics and scamper off to our respective reading spots in the living room. The long boxes had several dividers with each person’s name on them. Every time someone read a few books, they moved their divider. That way we all knew where each of us were on a particular title, so we wouldn’t spoil plot points in our general geek discussions. Various comic book encyclopedias were handy to help navigate the crazy world of retcons, genealogy and histories.

Time Moves On

Each of us found our own characters we identified with. As time marched on, things changed, as they do. It’s the circle of life. My corporate job demanded more of me. Many nights I came home after working a 14 hour day and my kids were already asleep. Money was super tight despite my climb up the corporate retail ladder. Homework got a lot tougher once junior high school kicked in and free time was totally impossible once my oldest kids hit high school.

Stocking Memories

I’m bringing all of this up because I am restocking the comic book inventory at my shop. Of course I have stocked many comics, and sold a great many since launching 7Shadows Market This batch however, comes from my personal collection. Every time I price a book a ton of memories come rushing back. Getting misty eyed over a few stacks of $3 comic books might seem a bit over-dramatic and silly. For me, it’s akin to flipping through a family photo album.

Find Your Heroes

Many of these mythical characters aren’t a part of our family these days, but for a moment in time, they were there with us every day. More importantly, each of us found a little bit of ourselves in these creations. When I see these books, I see my family. I hope these comics add as much joy and inspiration to your life, as they did to mine.

Keep On Geekin’ on My Friends.

DW-Owner, 7Shadows Market