7Shadows Market Expansion

More Room for Activities

There is so much more room for activities! I have completed the expansion of the back wall section of 7Shadows Market. Everything from the small auxiliary main floor booth is now incorporated into the rest of my shop down in the basement inside Eastbrook Flea Market & Antique Mall . The little main floor booth is gone.

Montgomery Alabama Anime, Movies, Classic Rock, Pop Culture, Geek, Fantasy

Last week was crazy busy. Now I’m done with the remodel. I’m happy to be back to focusing on the 7Shadows Tribe instead of moving everything every day and climbing up and down that dang ladder, painting. It took over a week for my legs to recover. Thank you to all of you amazing folks who continue to support me in this entrepreneurial journey

Now there is even more room to shop. Of course these photos are only highlighting the new addition and expansion. I still have the ever growing Wall of Funko on the opposite side of this section, along with the whole incense and showcase sections.

More room for activities
Now EVERYTHING at 7Shadows Market is conveniently located in the basement inside Eastbrook Flea Market & Antique Mall. Come by and bring some friends because there is more room than ever.

Thank you for your support. Keep on geekin’ on my friends.

DW-Owner, 7Shadows Market

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